Introducing Sumra Honey. It is directly harvested in Wadi-e-Doan of the Hadramut region in Yemen.
Sumra flowers bloom in late spring until late summer, so they are harvested only once a year. The rarity of this desert honey makes it one of the most sought-after honey in the world.
We work with traditional beekeepers in Do'an Valley in Yemen. They use ancient beekeeping methods—long, thin hives hollowed from trees. Camels are used for transportation, moving only at night to allow the bees to work during the day. When the combs are full of honey, they are cut out with a knife. A bit of honey is left in the hive as a provision for the bees in drier months. The techniques of beekeeping and honey extraction have remained unchanged throughout the generations.
Tasting Notes: This unique taste combines deep caramel notes with a smoky kick. With a thick viscosity, this beautiful golden and heavy-tasting honey pleases the palates.